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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

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            "674": {
                "pageid": 674,
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                "title": "Release Notes 3.3.0",
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                        "*": "[[Category: Release Notes]]\n== Server Updates ==\n*new Arduino \u00a0I/O Server\n*new SSH \u00a0I/O Server\n*new Honeywell NOTIFIER fire panels I/O Server\n*new Honeywell Galaxy security panel I/O Server\n*new SD3 HEPHAIS fire panels I/O Server\n*new GKBus I/O Server\n*new MODBUS SERVER I/O Server with MODBUS TCP/IP support\n*new Arteco Everywhere I/O Server\n*the Modbus I/O Server now supports the RTU protocol\n*MyHome I/O Server: added support for the L4686SDK gateway\n*GSM I/O Server:\n**improved AT commands compatibility\n**added PUK-unlock functionality\n*HWG MONITOR I/O Server:\n**new ID.<sensorname>.units = <value> data point\n**new ID.model = <value> data point\n*System Monitor I/O Server:\n**an error event is raised when the server catches an I/O error when saving camera images in the motion directory\n*the Paradox EVO driver is now an I/O Server\n**new option userlogs. Used to create (userlist) clickable logs to easily control (camera) and (camerapanel) objects for playback\n*the Bentel KYO320 driver is now an I/O Server\n**new option userlogs. Used to create (userlist) clickable logs to easily control (camera) and (camerapanel) objects for playback\n*Tecnoalarm TECNO OUT:\n**added support for TP8-88\n**the Tecnoalarm TECNO OUT driver is now an I/O Server\n**new option persistentconnection = <true|false>. If true (default is false) the I/O Server will not periodically disconnect and reconnect (periodic disconnection is used to avoid performance degradation on some firmware versions)\n**new option userlogs. Used to create (userlist) clickable logs to easily control (camera) and (camerapanel) objects for playback\n*RayControl I/O Server:\u00a0\n**improved communication errors handling\n**new readinterval option (defaults to 25 msec.)\n**new data points: sN.setpoint.winter.max sN.setpoint.winter.min sN.setpoint.summer.max sN.setpoint.summer.min zN.lock\n*KNX I/O Server:\u00a0\n**added \"read\" option for KNX data points to disable read requests from the driver\n**added \"framedelay\" option to set the delay between each frame sent to the KNX bus\n*BACnet I/O Server:\n**added support for the Relinquish_Default property\n*DOMINO I/O Server:\u00a0\n**(temp) object: program mode improved\n*SIP I/O Server:\u00a0\n**improved performance of the SSH connection to remote servers\n**support of password-based authentication\n*hsyco.ini:\u00a0\n**LogMaxAge = N parameter *delete log files older than N days\n**names are now case-insensitive\n**new optional parameter DatabaseBackup (defaults to false). When true, an hot backup of the core database is automatically executed on a daily basis, saving data in the data_backup directory\n**new optional parameter StartupDelay=<sec>\n**new optional parameter ExceptionWatchdog=<N> (defaults to 5). After N uncaught exceptions the HSYCO server is killed and restarted. Set to 0 to disable the exception watchdog\n**new optional parameter securityLogDailyFiles=<true|false> (defaults to false). When true, the security log is written in daily files named MMDD-security.log\n**HTTPServerThreads default changed to 256\n**the # character prefix can be used to disable an id in the following lists: dmxservers, ioservers, cameras, timers, dataloggers, locationbases, commports, slimplayers, irtrans\n**new I/O Servers optional parameter ioServersShutdownInactive.ID=<true|false>\n**comm ports: new optional timeout parameter for local serial ports: CommPort.ID.Params = speed,bits,stop,parity,flow[,timeout] (defaults to 2 sec.)\n**new eventsLoadTimeout optional parameter\n**new haDisableFilesSync optional parameter (defaults to false)\n*support for application plugins:\n**multiple, dynamic loaded Java user classes can be created in the plugins directory\n**each plugin directory can have its own www subdirectory with multiple projects\n*new Wiring Editor tool\n*HSQLDB core SQL engine upgraded to 2.3.0\n*improved UTF-8 support\n\n== EVENTS ==\n*JavaScript actions and callback functions\n*new INIT event, triggered at start-up and every time events.txt is modified\n*new DATESET action to set the server's hardware clock\n*new CAMERAVIEW event\n*new HTTP event\n*new ID.unitid.address = bits:<0|1>... syntax to use the Write Multiple Coils function\n*new $SUNAZIMUTH$ and $SUNELEVATION$ built-in variables\n*new UISESSIONSET action, used in combination with USER events, allows session-based UI control in EVENTS\n*new PAGE project = page event, triggered on every page change or reload\n*new $HAMASTER$ built-in variable, is set to 1 when master mode or HA not configured, or 0 when slave mode\n*new HAACTIVE persistent event, is true when the server is active (see the high availability features)\n*new HAACTIVE = [true | false] action, set to false to force a master to become inactive (has no effect on the slave system)\n*with counter data loggers, you can use DATALOGGER name = \"error\" or any other not numeric value to reset the internal delta baseline\n*when the original value of the variable and the operator's value are both numbers ending with %, the arithmetic operation will retain the % in the result\n\n== Java API ==\n*new callback and methods for session-based UI control:\n**public static String userSubmit(String session, String uid, String name, HashMap<String, String> fields)\n**public static String userCommand(String session, String uid, String name, String param)\n**public static void uiSet(String session, String id, String attr, String value)\n**public static void uiClear(String session)\n**public static String uiGet(String session, String id, String attr)\n**public static void uiClearEvent(String session) called once after the HSYCO deleted session data (due to inactivity or uiClear() called explicitly)\u00a0when the client restarts updating its state\n**pageEvent(String address, String session, String userid, String project, String page) called on every page change or reload\n*new varEvent(String name, String value) callback method\n*new haActiveEvent(boolean active) callback method\n*new haActive(boolean active) action method, set to false to force a master to become inactive (has no effect on the slave system)\n*new callback method triggered by the MODBUS SERVER I/O Server:\n**byte[] ModbusEvent(InetAddress addr, int unitid, byte[] pdu)\n*new httpCallEvent(String host, boolean secure, String query) callback method\n*new String urlGet(String url, String user, String password) utility method\n*new urlPost(String url, String contenttype, String data, String user, String password) utility method\n*new method to set the server's hardware clock:\n**public static boolean dateSet(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)\n*new callback method triggered on cameras' viewing from the Web interface:\n**public static void CameraViewEvent(String camera, boolean active)\n*new writeMultipleCoils(String name, int unit, int address, int coils, byte[] bytes) method\n*dataLoggerUpdate(String name, Double value) with counter data loggers can receive a null value to reset the internal delta baseline\n\n== GUI Updates ==\n*accessibility support, enabled with uiset project.accessibility = true\n*support for simplified Chinese\n*new \"scale\" web interface option allows client-side scaling of the GUI size\n*the client now works normally even when multiple windows pointing the same HSYCO server are open in the same browser\u00a0\n*new (#uiset ...) project directive allows setting default values for UI objects\n*support for project-specific custom.css style files\n*new (sliderh) and (sliderv) objects\n*it is now possible to set an attribute's value for all objects of a specific type, using UISET \"(type).attribute\" = \"value\"\n*(scheduler) object:\n**can have an id and the \"list\" attribute is now dynamic\n**new dynamic \"panel\" attribute\n**when the width is more than 750px, the user interface changes to a master-detail view\n*improved support of \"Add to Home Screen\" in iOS 6 and 7\n*(image), (imagelink) and (userimage) objects: new draw attribute for server-side dynamic graphics\n*(chart) object: add support for line and spline types\n*(datalogger) object:\n**add support for line and spline types\n**data browser mode, toolbar, new UI attributes\u00a0\n*new (paradox) object for the Paradox I/O Server\n*new (bentel) object for the Bentel I/O Server\n*new (tecnoalarm) object for the Tecnoalarm I/O Server\n*support for client-side custom JavaScript code, with index.js files, including User object to explicitly call the server and trigger USER events\n\t\n== Manager ==\n*copy&paste in Project Editor and File Manager\n*multiple files upload, move and delete\n*hsyco.ini configuration manager\n*integrated system monitor\n*integrated wiring editor\n*integrated admin configuration pages (users, password, network and clock)\n*integrated Knx Utility\n*integrated BACnet Utility\n*new status browser\n*project style: allows skin modifications\n*when using the download root backup function, the hsyco.jar file is not saved in the file\n\n== Bug Fixes ==\n*improved handling of HTTP and HTTPS connections when the maximum number of threads is exceeded\n*the UserTimerEvent() callback method was called twice when triggered by a scheduler\n*network configuration admin function didn't work on latest Upstart/Debian versions\n*improved GUI behavior when accessing a project that is not authorized for a user\n*High Availability bug fixes and stability improvements\n*fixed a bug that could temporarily stalled the Domino and Contatto I/O Servers when the system clock was reset to an earlier time\n*Guardall I/O Server: fixed a bug occurring when an access peripheral is used"
            "61": {
                "pageid": 61,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "SMS (UI Object)",
                "revisions": [
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                        "*": "<noinclude>{{UI Object Header}}[[Category:INCOMPLETE]]</noinclude>\nThe user interface for sending SMS messages:\n\n[[File:UI Object sms.png]]\n\nThe SMS object is listed in the Project Editor\u2019s new object list only when at least one GSM I/O Server is defined.\n<noinclude>\nFor further details refer to the [[GSM|GSM I/O Server Application Note]].\n</noinclude>\n\n<includeonly>==</includeonly>== Parameters ==<includeonly>==</includeonly>\n*'''server id''': the server ID\n*'''position''': the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format\n\n<includeonly>==</includeonly>== Syntax ==<includeonly>==</includeonly>\n (sms <server id>; <position>)\nE.g.\n (sms serverid; x10y20)"