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A project page. There are three types of pages: menu, page, popup. For page and popup types, some names are reserved and can't be used, not even as the initial part of a longer name. The reserved names are: menu, temp, music, cameras, timer, logout. While it is normal to have more link objects directed to the same page, it is an error to have more than one (page) object with the same name.


Main page of the project. There has to be one menu in each project. There can be a landscape and a portrait version, specified with an attribute.


  • page type: menu, page, or popup
  • orientation: if the project is orientation enabled, specifies the orientation (landscape or portrait)
  • gestures: list of gestures that can be performed on the page (see gestures)


(menu) defines the beginning of the page. Orientation is specified as (menu#landscape) or (menu#portrait) when the project is orientation-enabled. (endofmenu) defines the end of the page.






A generic page, identified by a name. If the project is orientation-enabled, the orientation can be specified (if omitted, the default is landscape).


  • page type: menu, page, or popup
  • id: identifies the page. It's used on link objects to link it
  • title: title shown at the top of the page, if the skin includes it
  • orientation: if the project is orientation enabled, specifies the orientation (landscape or portrait)
  • locations: locations assigned to this page
  • protected: can be null, pin or puk. Specifies if to access the page, a pin or pin and puk is requested
  • gestures: list of gestures that can be performed on the page (see gestures)


(page) defines the beginning of the page. Orientation is specified as (page#landscape) or (page#portrait) when the project is orientation-enabled. (endofpage) defines the end of the page.





UI Attributes

UI Object Attributes (Page)


A popup page, identified by a name and a popup type: simple or modal. It can have a close button, if it's necessary or if specified by the closebutton attribute.

Simple Popup

A simple popup opens up next to the object that generated it (eg. a link or user object) and it's closed by the same object. If there's no space, the popup will be opened at the center of the page, with a close button to close it.

Modal Popup

A modal popup is an exclusive popup that will open in the center of the page, while the background is grayed out. To close it, click on the background or on the close button (if it's visible).


  • page type: menu, page, or popup
  • id: identifies the page. It's used on link objects to link it
  • title: title shown at the top of the page, if the skin includes it
  • size: width and height of the popup
  • type: popup type: simple or modal. The default is simple


(popup) defines the beginning of the page, (endofpopup) defines the end of the page. A size meta is used to define the popup's size.

(popup <id>; <title>)
(#size <width>x<height>)


(popup mypopup; My Title; modal)
(#size 300x250)

UI Attributes

UI Object Attributes (Page)

Popup attributes

Name Value Description
popuptype simple Simple Popup
modal Modal Popup
dirs list of any directions (up,right,down or left) Specify the priority by which the opening direction of the popup is chosen. E.g. if dirs is up,down,right, when opening the popup it will try to position it on top of the object that generated it. If there's not enough space (if the popup exceeds the page area), it will try opening it below the object. If there's still not enough space, it will try on the right. If all the directions fail, it will open it at the center of the page, showing a close button to close it.
locked true Locked: the close button is hidden and the popup can't be closed by a back gesture or by clicking on the background (if it's a modal popup).
false Default behaviour: the popup can be closed by a back gesture or by clicking on the background (if it's a modal popup)
closebutton auto The close button is visible only when needed (on modal popups and on simple popups that are shown at the center of the page)
true The close button is always visible
false The close button is never visible
width <width> Popup's width in pixels
height <height> Popup's height in pixels