Java Callback Methods API

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Java Callback Methods

Callback methods are called by the HSYCO events management system.

By implementing these methods, you can associate your custom Java code to each event.

In some cases, the return values of these methods can influence the behavior of HSYCO.

Most of the methods, propagate exceptions to the top, that is to HSYCO internal code. In this case, HSYCO generates an error message in the log.

System Functions



Called at sunrise and sunset, according to the latitude and longitude values set in hsyco.ini, and the optional SunriseOffsetMinutes and SunsetOffsetMinutes parameters.


  • day: boolean - true at sunrise, false at sunset.



Triggered by the change of state of an HSYCO server in a master/slave high availability configuration.


  • active: boolean - true if the server is active, false if not active.



Triggered by a change of the current power load level, as set using the powerSet() Java API or the POWER action.

Thanks to this method it is possible to alter the power value shown in the Web interface, for example to aggregate power readings acquired from other sensors.


  • power: numeric - the power level, in Watts.


  • numeric - if PowerEvent() returns -1 or doesn't return a value, HSYCO status is updated with the detected power value, the value returned by PowerEvent() is otherwise used.

Note The JavaScript PowerEvent function is always called, but its return value is used only when the Java PowerEvent callback is not defined or returned -1.



Called when a program timer is activated.

Program timers are set using programTimerSet(), programTimerReset(), programTimerRepeat(), or using the corresponding actions in the EVENTS.


  • name: string - program timer name.


SchedulerEvent(groupname, schedulename)

This callback blocking function allows to call user methods at configurable intervals.

You define schedules using a group name and a schedule name.

Schedules under the same group run in the same thread and are executed sequentially, based on their interval in milliseconds. Schedules in different groups run in parallel.


  • groupname: string - the scheduler’s group name
  • schedulename: string - the scheduler’s name.



Called only once when HSYCO starts, after the initialization and HTTP server start-up, but before the execution of the different field interface threads. It is not executed in a thread, it is therefore a blocking method, that must complete its execution before all other HSYCO services can be started.


SunPositionEvent(azimuth, elevation)

Called when the Sun changes its height with respect to the horizon or its angle from true north.


  • azimuth: numeric - the current Sun angle from true north, in decimal degrees
  • elevation: numeric - the current Sun elevation in decimal degrees from the horizon. Elevation is negative at night.



Called every 60 seconds.

HSYCO tries to synchronize the execution at the beginning of the minute, executing this method at seconds 0 of every minute.

Note However, the execution is not guaranteed. In case of heavy load HSYCO might not be able to execute the call with accurate timing. In extreme cases, it could occasionally skip some calls.


  • time: numeric - the current time in milliseconds.


varEvent(name, value)

Triggered by the change of value of a program variable.


  • name: string - the variable name. Names are case-insensitive
  • value: string - the value to be assigned to the program variable.



static int cameraCommandEvent(String function, String action, String camera)

Triggered by a camera control input from the Web interface.

It can be used to execute arbitrary actions when the user clicks on the active areas of the camera view, or to replace some or all of the standard PTZ commands with custom actions.


  • function: String - see the table below
  • action: String - see the table below
  • camera: String - the camera name.


  • int - if CameraCommandEvent() returns -1 or doesn't return a value, the standard PTZ command associated to the PTZ driver is skipped, otherwise it is executed normally.
icon function action
Camover-ff.png focus far
Camover-fn.png focus near
Camover-zin.png zoom tele
Camover-zout.png zoom wide
Camover-l.png move left
Camover-r.png move right
Camover-u.png move up
Camover-d.png move down
move stop
Camerapanel ptz.png


static void CameraMotionEvent(String eventName, long remoteTime)

Called when HSYCO starts recording video from a camera.

Recording starts when a camera notifies a recording request with the recording HTTP API call (the zone=id portion is optional):

Recording can also be triggered by the CameraRecTrigger() Java method or JavaScript function, or the CAMERAREC or CAMERARECFULL actions in EVENTS.


  • eventName: String - the event identification string, either the camera name only or name:id if recording is triggered by a camerarec HTTP call with the optional zone=id parameter
  • remoteTime: long - the current time in milliseconds.


static void CameraViewEvent(String camera, boolean active)

CameraViewEvent() is called on changes of the live view status of cameras.

When at least one web client is showing the live feed from a camera, the camera is marked as active.

When no live feed request is received for a several consecutive seconds, the camera is marked as not active.


  • camera: String - the camera name
  • active: boolean - true if active, false if not.



static void DmxEvent(int channel, int state)

Called after changes to DMX-512 channels.


  • channel: int - DMX channel address, from 1 to 512 which might be preceded by the DMX gateway number, starting from 0
  • state: int - the new channel value, from 0 to 255.


static int DmxFilter(int channel, int state, boolean reverse)

This method allows to filter the value of the status of each channel on the DMX-512 buses, sending to the gateway different values from those set in HSYCO.

This way, it is possible to apply chromatic corrections, or any on the fly translation of channels values.

Note This is a blocking method and is called when sending commands to the DMX gateway.

It is also called after reading current channels values from the gateway. In this case the conversion function should be symmetric and return a complementary value.


  • channel: int - the DMX channel address, from 1 to 512 which might be preceded by the DMX gateway number, starting from 0
  • state: int - the unfiltered value of the channel, from 0 to 255
  • reverse: boolean - false if called when writing to the gateway; true if called when reading from the gateway.


  • int - the channel value that will be sent to the DMX gateway.

Note The JavaScript DmxFilter function is called only when the Java DmxFilter callback is not defined or returned the original value.


static void DmxStartupEvent(int serverIndex)

Called when starting the monitor threads for each DMX bus, once per bus at the start of the execution of HSYCO, and also after every restart of the monitor thread, for example after communication errors.

It is safe, inside this method, to execute command methods for the same DMX gateway.

Note This is a blocking method. The DMX driver will start after this function returns.


  • serverIndex: int - number of the DMX bus, starting from 0.

Infrared Control


static void IREvent(boolean received, int irtransid, String event)

This method is called when an IRTrans receives or sends an IR command from its local IR database.

Note IRTrans can only receive and decode infrared commands that have been previously stored in its internal FLASH memory database.


  • received: boolean - true if the command has been received by the IRTrans, false if sent
  • irtransid: int - IRTrans number, starting from 0 for the first device, based on the listing order of the IRTrans parameter in hsyco.ini
  • event: String - the string of the command received or issued, formatted as: "remote_name,command".

I/O Servers


static void IOEvent(String id, String value)

Triggered by the value change of any data point of an I/O server.


  • id: String - the server id and the name of the data point. According to the type of server, the format changes but it generally appears as server name, as declared the ioServers parameter in hsyco.ini, followed by a specific name representing the data point within the system
  • value: String - the new value. For binary inputs or outputs, the returned values are “0” or “1”.


static void IOStartupEvent(int serverIndex)

Triggered by the start of the communication thread of each I/O server - once for each server at the beginning of the execution of HSYCO, and also after every reboot of the communication thread, for example after communication errors.

Note This is a blocking method. The I/O server driver will start after this function returns.


  • serverIndex: int - the I/O server number, starting from 0, based on the listing order of the ioServers parameter in hsyco.ini.



static byte[] ModbusEvent(String name, InetAddress addr, int unitid, byte[] pdu)

Called by the Modbus Server I/O Server on every Modbus request received from a Modbus client.

The returned byte array is used as the Modbus response PDU (function code and data).


  • name: String - the name of the Modbus Server I/O server
  • addr: InetAddress - IP address of the Modbus client
  • unitid: int - the unit id set in the received Modbus request
  • pdu: byte[] - the request PDU data, in hexadecimal string format.


  • byte[] - the response PDU data.

Network Services


LocationEvent(mac, ip, zoneId)

Called, if the location service is active, when a variation in the association of a client to the Wi-Fi Access Points is detected.


  • mac: string - the MAC address of the client
  • ip: string - the IP address of the client, if available, or null (the IP address could be null if the associated device is not connected to the HSYCO Web interface)
  • zoneId: numeric - in case of association, it is the Access Point sequence number, according to the order defined in the LocationBases parameter in hsyco.ini; -1 if the client was de-associated from the Wi-Fi network.



PBXCallEvent(host, caller, called)

Called when a call notification is sent to HSYCO by the PBX system.

If the method returns true, the request is recorded on the log file with the [OK] status, with [ERROR] otherwise.


  • host: string - the IP address of the PBX server
  • caller: string - the caller number
  • called: string - the called number.



static void SlimPowerEvent(int index, int power)

Called when a Squeezebox player is turned on or off.


  • index: int - player number, starting from 0 for the first player, based on the listing order of the slimPlayers parameter in hsyco.ini
  • power: int - 0: OFF, 1: ON.


static void SlimStatusEvent(int index, int status)

Called when a Squeezebox player changes its playback mode.


  • index: int - player number, starting from 0 for the first player, based on the listing order of the slimPlayers parameter in hsyco.ini
  • status: int - 0: OFF, 1: ON, 2: PAUSE, 3: PLAY, -1: UNKNOWN.


static void SlimVolumeEvent(int index, int volume)

Called when a Squeezebox player changes its volume level.


  • index: int - player number, starting from 0 for the first player, based on the listing order of the slimPlayers parameter in hsyco.ini
  • volume: int - an integer number representing the volume change (not the absolute audio level) in a scale from 0 to 100; positive numbers correspond to a volume increase, negative numbers to a decrease.

Timers and Schedulers


static boolean UserTimerEvent(String name, boolean active)

Called when a user timer or scheduler’s rule should be activated, and before executing the associated action in EVENTS.

It is also executed at the timer or scheduler’s rule deactivation.

This method must return a true value in order to make the timer or rule actually active and the associated actions executed.

Whenever the method returns false, the timer will not be activated, and the method will be called again once a minute for the scheduled duration of the timer.

In the same way, if the method returns false when the timer or rule is deactivated, the timer or rule will not be deactivated, extending the timer activation beyond the scheduled duration.

This is a blocking method.


  • name: String - timer name or scheduler’s rule name
  • active: boolean - true when activating and false when deactivating the timer or scheduler’s rule.


  • boolean - true to confirm the timer event, false to block the event.

Note The JavaScript UserTimerEvent function is alway called, but its return value is used only when the Java UserTimerEvent callback is not defined or returned true.

User Interface


pageEvent(address, session, userid, project, page)

Called when a Web client initially loads a project and when navigating between pages.

There is no guarantee that the event would be fired the exact moment the page is loaded.

Network delays or errors could cause delayed triggering of this event.


  • address: string - the client’s IP address
  • session: string - session id string that uniquely identifies the client session
  • userid: string - the user id
  • project: string - project’s id
  • page: string - the page id of the current page.



Called, following an explicit call of uiClear() or after the client session inactivity timeout expires, if the client session becomes active again (i.e. the client starts handshaking again with the server with the same session id).


  • session: string - session id string that uniquely identifies the client session


userCommand(session, userid, name, param)

Called by user clicks on buttons created in the Web interface with the (user), (usermini), (usermicro), (userrgb) or (userimage) objects, by a USER action in EVENTS, or by the userCommand() Java method.

This function can optionally return a string. Any returned string causes the log of an [OK] status. If you want to prevent logging, for example to avoid sensitive information to be written in the log file, you should return the string “!”.

If you want to force the Web interface to show a specific page after the button is pressed (it would be like pressing a (link) object), return a string starting with “page:” followed by the page name; in this case, userCommand() will be called again when that popup or page is closed, with "/close" appended to param.


  • session: string - a session id string that uniquely identifies the client session
  • userid: string - the user id
  • name: string - the name field of the (user) object
  • param: string - the param of the (user) object.


  • string - log or go to page, see text above. If this function doesn't return a value, an [ERROR] status is logged in the log file, while any other string causes the log of an [OK] status.

Note The JavaScript userCommand function is alway called, but its return value is used only when the Java userCommand callback is not defined or returned null or an empty string.


userSubmit(session, userid, name, fields)

This function is similar to userCommand(session, userid, name, param).

When userSubmit() is defined, it will be called when a (submit!id), (submitmini!id) or (submitmicro!id) button is pressed, while userCommand() will continue to be called on (user) buttons.

userSubmit() provides a more convenient access to the values of multiple input fields in a form.

This function can optionally return a string. Any returned string causes the log of an [OK] status. If you want to prevent logging, for example to avoid sensitive information to be written in the log file, you should return the string “!”.

If you want to force the Web interface to show a specific page after the button is pressed (it would be like pressing a (link) object), return a string starting with “page:” followed by the page name; in this case, userCommand() will be called when that popup or page is closed, with "/close" appended to param.


  • session: string - a session id string that uniquely identifies the client session
  • userid: string - the user id
  • name: string - the id of the (submit!id) object
  • fields: array - the array of all input fields in the container where the (submit) object is located.


  • string - log or go to page, see text above. If this function doesn't return a value, an [ERROR] status is logged in the log file, while any other string causes the log of an [OK] status.

Note The JavaScript userSubmit function is alway called, but its return value is used only when the Java userCommand or userSubmit callback are not defined or returned null or an empty string.


The following code shows how to retrieve all field names and values of a submitted form.

 function userSubmit(session, user, name, values) : {
 	if (session.length > 0) {
 		messageLog(user + ', ' + name + '=' + values);
 		var keys = values.keySet().toArray();
 		for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
 			messageLog(user + ', ' + keys[i] +  ' = ' + values.get(keys[i]));
 		return "";

Create a project with a form and a few input fields in a container. Pressing the submit button should return something like this in the log file:

2014.01.31 13:54:32.034 - staff, submit1={keypad1=344, date1=20140131, input1=this is a text field} 
2014.01.31 13:54:32.038 - staff, keypad1 = 344 
2014.01.31 13:54:32.039 - staff, date1 = 20140131 
2014.01.31 13:54:32.042 - staff, input1 = this is a text field 
2014.01.31 13:54:32.043 - WEB USER COMMAND [submit1]: input1@this is a text field@date1@20140131@keypad1@344 [OK]


WebRootRequestEvent(addr, secure, useragent)

This method is called when the Web server receives a root URL request. It can return a string to redirect the browser to a valid URL, or null to prevent redirection.


  • addr: string - the HTTP client’s address
  • secure: boolean - true if this is an HTTPS request
  • useragent: string - the Web browser’s user agent information.


  • string - optional return string containing a valid absolute or relative URL


The following code redirects any root HTTP request received by the HSYCO server to the manager page.

 function WebRootRequestEvent(addr, secure, useragent) : {
 	return "hsycoserver/manager";