Release Notes 3.5.0
Server Updates
- Bosch MAP I/O Server:
- added "armed" datapoint
- added "clearmem" datapoints
- improved communication error handling
- Contatto I/O Server:
- added support for MCP4
- added support for MODCA firmware version 2.0, with new "relay.forced" datapoint
- Cradlepoint I/O Server:
- performance improvements
- Domino I/O Server:
- added support for DFCP4
- Elsner P03-Modbus I/O Server:
- new "light.lux" data point
- EPSON ESC/VP I/O Server: improved communication reliability
- Guardall I/O Server:
- added "key" server option
- improved communication error handling
- HESA I/O Server: new I/O Server for the HESA Q15, Q50 and Q100 security panels
- Heos I/O Server: new I/O Server for the Denon Heos music players
- Hue I/O Server: new I/O Server for the Philips Hue wireless lighting control system
- iono I/O Server: new I/O Server for the iono I/O module
- Mitsubishi MNET I/O Server: response timeout increased
- Modbus I/O Server: new data types "intx", "longx", "uintx", "ulongx", "floatx" to implement low word first data encoding
- SONOS I/O Server: new I/O Server for the SONOS music players
- System I/O Server: new "internetmonitor" option. Set to "false" to disable Internet connection check
- Tecnoalarm TECNO OUT I/O Server: added support for TP20-440
- Yamaha I/O Server: added support for hdmi sources selection
- new "HTTPSCompatibility" configuration option: set to "old" to retain support for older browsers; set to "default" or avoid setting this option for a higher level of security
- new "HTTPRootRedirect" configuration option: set to a valid absolute or relative URL to redirect root requests
- improved video streaming performance
- new "DatabaseTransactionLog" configuration option: If true the HSQLDB embedded database transaction log file is used to log individual transactions between checkpoints. If false the log file is not used, improving the performance and reducing I/O but, in case of uncontrolled shutdown of the HSYCO process, all data updates after the last checkpoint (a database checkpoint is automatically perfomed every 60 seconds) will be lost. Defaults to false
- new automatic backup engine: automatic root backup can be configured using the "RootBackupDay", "RootBackupHour", "RootBackupMinute", "RootBackupDestinations" and "RootBackupExclude" options
- the www directory is automatically created at startup if not present
- public announcement:
- you can now play audio on Axis audio devices that are not defined as cameras, explicitly using the host name or IP address of the device
- new io@<I/O server id[.zone id]> destination
- the /x/httpcall requests triggering httpCallEvent() callbacks and HTTP events are now accepted from outside the trusted networks if HTTPServerLowSecurityEnabled = true and the request is sent using HTTPS
- multiple EVENTS files can be created in the "events" subdirectory. Files should have the ".txt" suffix
- a plugin can now have its own "events.txt" file and "events" subdirectory
- JavaScript: you can now define multiple JavaScript functions for the same callback. Execution order is not guaranteed. If the functions return a value, only the first not null value returned is used as the event return value
Java API
GUI Updates
- new overlay pages: overlay pages are always visible in a project, on top of all objects of the current page
- adminlink object: new "puk" link allows users to modify their PUK
- datalogger object: new attributes: “pointsize” and “stroke”
- image, imagelink, submitimage, userimage objects: setting "img" to "" (empty string) loads the empty picture
- login procedure now allows for up to three PIN attempts before asking for PUK
- dmxrgb object replaced by rgb object, with support for Philips Hue I/O Server
- new project styles:
- "scrollbar-width" : width of the scrollbar’s cursor
- "scrollbar-thumb-color": scrollbar’s cursor color
- new project attribute: "project.gestures", set to false to disable all gestures for the project
- camerapanel object: new "cameralist" attribute, allows to dynamically change the list of cameras viewable in a camerapanel
- userlist, selectpanel objects: in "template" attribute, $n placeholder replaced with %n, to avoid parsing problems
- text object: added "template" attribute, works the same way as userlist’s template attribute
- selector object: added "id" and "label" attributes
- scheduler object: new "repeat every year" mode
- new attribute “rotation”, to allow rotation of any GUI object (value in degrees)
- Danish language support
- support of multiple EVENTS files
- new HEOS Utility
- the uiSet("manager", "lock", "true") method can be used, at startup only, to block access to the HSYCO Manager
Bug Fixes
- fix to the "notouch" GUI URL option
- camerapanel GUI object:
- scrollbar was disabled in some special cases
- click sometimes not immediately responsive
- datalogger GUI object:
- splines did not draw properly when min == origin
- attributes “notches” and “drawaxis” didn’t work
- labelcolor fixed (didn’t change all the labels’ colors)
- the "lock:<page>" UISET command not working on page reload
- select GUI object: fatal error when selected value was no longer available after resetting values
- userlist, selectpanel GUI objects: selected item on userlist/selectpanel wouldn’t stay selected
- keypad GUI object: fixed dot support with decimal numbers
- removed a white bar at the bottom, when using link from home screen icon on Apple iOS
- Public announcement: TTS not working with espeak engine on Axis cameras
- Domino I/O Server: fixed a bug that could cause erroneous readings of DFCC's 2'complements values
- Modbus I/O Server: fixed a bug that could cause ushort and uint read requests to return signed numbers
- KNX I/O Server: fixed bug in KNX project import
- Yamaha RX I/O Server: fixed bug for models not supporting party mode