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Qeed-QI-485 is a single-phase energy meter (up to 50 A). The integration with HSYCO is possibile via MODBUS protocol.

What to I need?

Hsyco, of course. A Modbus/gateway or a FTDI RS485 cable. For further information consult the Modbus IO server page.

The FTDI RS485 has this wiring scheme:

orange wire --> Qeed-QI-485 A+ pin

yellow wire --> Qeed-QI-485 A- pin

First steps

Configure the Modbus address, baud rate, parity using the software FACILE-QI-POWER. You can use the FTDI RS485 cable directly connected to a Win XP/7/8 computer. In this example we will use: 9600,8,2,0,0 and Modbus address 1. Connect the sensor to Qeed-QI-48 the Modbus bus. Assuming that we are using FTDI RS485 this is a screenshot of the Modbus RTU server definition in Settings:
