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(Created page with "The Texecom Premier Elite control panels are advanced, multi-area security systems. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via RS-232 serial communication or via Ether...")
(15 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 70: Line 70:
|n > 0
|n > 0
|highest zone number among the ones used on the panel
|highest zone number among the ones used on the panel
Line 108: Line 108:
|HSYCO can't connect to the panel
|HSYCO can't connect to the panel
|reports the text shown by the keypad LCD
|rowspan="2" |fault.ats
|no ATS Path Fault
|ATS Path Fault
|rowspan="2" |fault.mains
|Mains Power On
|Mains Power Off
|rowspan="2" |fault.fuse.aux
|Auxiliary Fuse OK
|Auxiliary Fuse Blown
|rowspan="2" |tamper.bell
|no bell tamper
|bell tamper
|rowspan="2" |tamper.aux
|no auxiliary tamper
|auxiliary tamper
|rowspan="2" |tamper.lid
|no panel lid tamper
|panel lid tamper
|rowspan="2" |engineer
|no engineer working
|engineer working
|rowspan="2" |confirm
|no confirm devices
|confirm devices
|rowspan="2" |service
|no service required
|service required
|rowspan="2" |fault.fuse.bell
|bell fuse OK
|bell fuse blown
|rowspan="2" |fault.battery
|battery OK
|battery fault
|rowspan="2" |test.battery
|battery test off
|battery test on
|rowspan="2" |light
|no courtesy light
|courtesy light
|rowspan="2" |open
|system closed
|system open
Line 114: Line 275:
|all areas are disarmed
|not fully armed
|fully armed
|rowspan="2" |coms.fail
|coms OK
|coms failed
|rowspan="2" |coms.success
|no coms successful
|coms successful
|rowspan="2" |coms.active
|no coms active
|coms active
|rowspan="2" |udl.lockout
|no UDL lockout
|UDL lockout
|rowspan="2" |udl.call
|no UDL call active
|UDL call active
|rowspan="2" |udl.enabled
|UDL not enabled
|UDL enabled
|rowspan="2" |alarm.confirmed
|no confirmed alarm
|confirmed alarm
|rowspan="2" |custom1a
|no custom 1 stage A
|custom 1 stage A
|rowspan="2" |custom1b
|no custom 1 stage B
|custom 1 stage B
|rowspan="2" |custom2a
|no custom 2 stage A
|custom 2 stage A
|rowspan="2" |custom2b
|no custom 2 stage B
|custom 2 stage B
|rowspan="2" |custom2ab
|no custom 2 stage A or B
|custom 2 stage A or B
|rowspan="2" |radio.fail
|radio-pad OK
|radio-pad failed
|rowspan="2" |radio.success
|no radio-pad successful
|radio-pad successful
|rowspan="2" |radio.nosig
|radio-pad signal OK
|no radio-pad signal
|rowspan="2" |radio.lost
|radio-pad OK
|radio-pad lost
|rowspan="2" |custom3a
|no custom 3 stage A
|custom 3 stage A
|rowspan="2" |custom3b
|no custom 3 stage B
|custom 3 stage B
|rowspan="2" |custom3ab
|no custom 3 stage A or B
|custom 3 stage A or B
|rowspan="2" |custom4a
|no custom 4 stage A
|custom 4 stage A
|rowspan="2" |custom4b
|no custom 4 stage B
|custom 4 stage B
|rowspan="2" |custom4ab
|no custom 4 stage A or B
|custom 4 stage A or B
|rowspan="2" |com1.fault
|com 1 OK
|com 1 fault
|rowspan="2" |com2.fault
|com 2 OK
|com 2 fault
|rowspan="2" |com1.nosig
|com 1 signal OK
|com 1 no signal
|rowspan="2" |com2.nosig
|com 2 signal OK
|com 2 no signal
|rowspan="2" |coms.fault
|coms OK
|coms fault
|rowspan="2" |radio.jam
|no radio jamming
|radio jamming
|rowspan="2" |radio.tamper
|radio TX OK
|radio TX tamper
|rowspan="2" |test.detector
|no detector test
|detector test
|rowspan="2" |test.remote
|no ATS remote test
|ATS remote test
|rowspan="2" |noats
|ATS available
|no ATS available
|rowspan="2" |fault.cie
|no CIE fault
|CIE fault
|rowspan="2" |psu.fault.fuse
|PSU fuse OK
|PSU fuse blown
|rowspan="2" |psu.fault.battery
|PSU battery OK
|PSU battery fault
|rowspan="2" |test.wd
|WD test not active
|WD test active
|rowspan="2" |psu.fault.mains
|PSU mains OK
|PSU mains fault
|rowspan="2" |com1.power
|com 1 power off
|com 1 power on
|rowspan="2" |com2.power
|com 2 power off
|com 2 power on
|rowspan="2" |com3.power
|com 3 power off
|com 3 power on
|rowspan="2" |fault.ip
|IP path OK
|IP path fault
|rowspan="2" |battery.low
|battery OK
|battery low
|rowspan="2" |fault.ps
|PS failure
|rowspan="2" |fault.charger
|charger OK
|charger fault
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm
|no alarm on partition <n>
|alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.guard
|no guard alarm on partition <n>
|guard alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.guard.access
|no guard access alarm on partition <n>
|at least one area is armed
|guard access alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.entry
|no entry alarm on partition <n>
|entry alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="8" |a<n>.armed
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.confirmed
|rowspan="2" |0
|area <n> is disarmed
|no confirmed alarm on partition <n>
|disarm area <n>
|confirmed alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |away
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.audible
|area <n> is armed in “away” mode
|no 24h audible alarm on partition <n>
|arm area <n> in “away” mode
|24h audible alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |stay
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.silent
|area <n> is armed in “stay” mode
|no 24h silent alarm on partition <n>
|arm area <n> in “stay” mode
|24h silent alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |inst
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.gas
|area <n> is armed in “instantaneous” mode
|no 24h gas alarm on partition <n>
|arm area <n> in “instantaneous” mode
|24h gas alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |a<n>.alarm
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.pa
|no active alarm on area <n>
|no PA alarm on partition <n>
|alarm on area <n>
|PA alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |a<n>.tamper
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.pa.silent
|no tamper alarm on area <n>
|no PA silent alarm on partition <n>
|tamper alarm on area <n>
|PA silent alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |a<n>.alarm.mem
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.duress
|no alarm in memory for area <n>
|no duress alarm on partition <n>
|alarm in memory for area <n>
|duress alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |a<n>.tamper.mem
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.fire
|no tamper alarm in memory for area <n>
|no fire alarm on partition <n>
|tamper alarm in memory for area <n>
|fire alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |a<n>.auto
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.medical
|auto-arming disabled on area <n>
|no medical alarm on partition <n>
|auto-arming enabled on area <n>
|medical alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.aux
|no auxiliary alarm on partition <n>
|reset alarms on area <n>
|auxiliary alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="4" |z<n>.state<br />z<n>d.state
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.tamper
|zone <n> (base or double) is closed
|no tamper alarm on partition <n>
|zone <n> (base or double) is open
|tamper alarm active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.abort
|zone <n> (base or double) is tampered
|no abort on partition <n>
|zone <n> (base or double) is in short circuit
|abort on partition <n>
|rowspan="4" |z<n>.bypassed<br />z<n>d.bypassed
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.ready
|rowspan="2" |0
|zone <n> is not bypassed
|partition <n> not ready
|unbypass zone <n>
|partition <n> ready
|rowspan="2" |1
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.entry
|zone <n> is bypassed
|no entry
|bypass zone <n>
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.test<br />z<n>d.test
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.entry.2
|zone <n> is not in test
|no second entry
|zone <n> is being tested
|second entry
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.alarm.mem<br />z<n>d.alarm.mem
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.exit
|no alarm in memory for zone <n>
|no exit
|alarm in memory for zone <n>
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.tamper.mem<br />z<n>d.tamper.mem
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.entryexit
|no terminal tamper alarm in memory for zone <n>
|no entry/exit
|terminal tamper alarm in memory for zone <n>
|rowspan="4" |or
|rowspan="4" |p<n>.armed
|rowspan="2" |0
|rowspan="2" |0
|the relay output on the panel is not active
|partition <n> not armed
|deactivate the relay output on the panel
|disarm partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |1
|rowspan="2" |1
|the relay output on the panel is active
|partition <n> armed
|activate the relay output on the panel
|arm partition <n>
|rowspan="4" |oc1
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed.full
|rowspan="2" |0
|partition <n> not full armed
|the open collector 1 on the panel is not active
|partition <n> full armed
|deactivate the open collector 1 on the panel
|rowspan="3" |p<n>.armed.part
|partition <n> not part armed
|rowspan="2" |1
|rowspan="2" |1
|the open collector 1 on the panel is active
|partition <n> part armed
|activate the open collector 1 on the panel
|part arm partition <n>
|rowspan="4" |oc2
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arming.part
|rowspan="2" |0
|partition <n> not part arming
|partition <n> part arming
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armable.force
|partition <n> not force armable
|partition <n> force armable
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed.force
|partition <n> not force armed
|partition <n> force armed
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed.fail
|partition <n> arm ok
|partition <n> arm failed
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.bell.sab
|no bell SAB on partition <n>
|bell SAB on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.bell.scb
|no bell SCB on partition <n>
|bell SCB on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.strobe
|strobe off on partition <n>
|strobe on on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.detector.latch
|no detector latch on partition <n>
|detector latch on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.detector.reset
|no detector reset on partition <n>
|detector reset on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.test.walk
|the open collector 2 on the panel is not active
|no walk test on partition <n>
|deactivate the open collector 2 on the panel
|walk test on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |1
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.bypass
|the open collector 2 on the panel is active
|no bypassed zone in partition <n>
|activate the open collector 2 on the panel
|bypassed zones in partition <n>
|rowspan="4" |o<n><br />(if defined in hesa.ini)
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.bypass24
|rowspan="2" |0
|no 24h bypassed zone in partition <n>
|output <n> is not active
|24h bypassed zones in partition <n>
|deactivate output <n>
|rowspan="3" |p<n>.reset
|no reset required on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |1
|rowspan="2" |1
|output <n> is active
|reset required on partition <n>
|activate output <n>
|reset partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.strike
|no door strike on partition <n>
|door strike on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.fuse.zones
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.chime.mimic
|zones fuse OK
|no chime mimic on partition <n>
|fault on zones fuse
|chime mimic on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.fuse.ibus
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.chime.enabled
|IBUS fuse OK
|chime not enabled on partition <n>
|fault on IBUS fuse
|chime enabled on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.battery
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.doubleknowck
|battery OK
|double knock not active on partition <n>
|fault on battery
|double knock active on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.mains
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.beampair
|mains OK
|no beam pair on partition <n>
|panel mains fault
|beam pair on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.phone
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.test.zone
|phone line OK
|no zone on test in partition <n>
|fault on phone line
|zone on test in partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.jamming
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.test.fail
|no jamming
|test not failed on partition <n>
|radio jamming
|test failed on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.radio.battery
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.internal
|radio zones battery OK
|no internal alarm on partition <n>
|low battery on radio zone(s)
|internal alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |fault.radio.loss
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arming.auto
|radio zones OK
|no auto arming on partition <n>
|loss of radio zone(s)
|auto arming on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arming.time
|no time arming on partition <n>
|the voltage value of the battery is <val> Volts
|time arming on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |tamper.panel
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.code.1
|panel OK
|first code not entered on partition <n>
|panel tampered
|first code entered on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |tamper.cover
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.code.2
|panel cover OK
|second code not entered on partition <n>
|panel cover tampered
|second code entered on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |tamper.reader
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.secured
|readers OK
|area not secured on partition <n>
|reader(s) tampered
|area secured on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |tamper.keypad
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arm.part.1
|keypads OK
|no part arm 1 on partition <n>
|keypad(s) tampered
|part arm 1 on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |tamper.expander
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arm.part.2
|FLEX5 expanders OK
|no part arm 2 on partition <n>
|FLEX5 expander(s) tampered
|part arm 2 on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |reset
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arm.part.3
|communication BUS ready
|no part arm 3 on partition <n>
|ongoing reset procedure on communication BUS
|part arm 3 on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |internet
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.custom
|“internet access” option disabled
|no custom alarm on partition <n>
|“internet access” option enabled
|custom alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |service
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.warning.zone
|service jumper in “RUN” position
|no zone warning on partition <n>
|service jumper in “SERV” position (maintenance)
|zone warning on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |program
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.warning.arm
|panel not in programming mode
|no arm fail warning on partition <n>
|ongoing programming via keyboard
|arm fail warning on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |voice
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.forced
|no SmartLogos30M voice card detected
|no forced entry on partition <n>
|SmartLogos30M voice card detected
|forced entry on partition <n>
== User Interface ==
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.locked
|no zones locked out on partition <n>
|zones locked out on partition <n>
=== Hesa Object ===
{{:Hesa_(UI Object)}}
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed.all
|not all armed on partition <n>
|all armed on partition <n>
=== UISET Actions ===
{| class="wikitable"
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.arm.time.disabled
!colspan="2"|Set to
|time arm not disabled on partition <n>
|time arm disabled on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armedalarm
|colspan="2"|latest security log lines (as many as specified by the 'logsize' option)
|not armed/alarm on partition <n>
|armed/alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.intruder
|colspan="2"|latest line of the security log when a new entry is added, set back to blank after a short period
|no intruder alarm on partition <n>
|intruder alarm on partition <n>
|z<n>.name<br />z<n>d.name
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.speaker.mimic
|colspan="2"|name assigned to zone <n> (base or double) or its number if no name is defined
|no speaker mimic on partition <n>
|speaker mimic on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armedexit
|when datapoint connection = offline
|no full armed/exit on partition <n>
|when datapoint connection = online
|full armed/exit on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.detector.fault
|when area <n> is disarmed
|no detector fault on partition <n>
|when area <n> is armed
|detector fault on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.detector.masked
|when area <n> is armed in "away" mode
|no detector masked on partition <n>
|when area <n> is not armed in "away" mode
|detector masked on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.fault
|when area <n> is armed in "stay" mode
|no fault on partition <n>
|when area <n> is not armed in "stay" mode
|fault on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.led
|when area <n> is armed in "instantaneous" mode
|no LED control on partition <n>
|when area <n> is not armed in "instantaneous" mode
|LED control on partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed.full.entry
|when area <n> is armed in any mode
|no full armed entry on partition <n>
|when area <n> is not armed
|full armed entry on partition <n>
|rowspan="2"|z<n>.state.label.closed<br />z<n>d.state.label.closed
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.fire
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has value 'closed'
|no fire sounder on partition <n>
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has not value 'closed'
|fire sounder on partition <n>
|rowspan="2"|z<n>.state.label.open<br />z<n>d.state.label.open
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.pa.confirmed
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has value 'open'
|no PA confirmed on partition <n>
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has not value 'open'
|PA confirmed on partition <n>
|rowspan="2"|z<n>.state.label.tamper<br />z<n>d.state.label.tamper
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.alarm.confirmed2
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has value 'tamper'
|no confirmed alarm on partition <n>
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has not value 'tamper'
|confirmed alarm on partition <n>
|rowspan="2"|z<n>.state.label.short<br />z<n>d.state.label.short
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.open
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has value 'short'
|zone <n> is closed
|when datapoint 'z<n>.state' has not value 'short'
|zone <n> is open
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.tamper
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
|zone <n> is not tampered
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
|zone <n> is tampered
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.short
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
|zone <n> is not shorted
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
|zone <n> is shorted
=== USER Commands ===
{| class="wikitable"
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.fault
|zone <n> is not faulty
|zone <n> is faulty
|rowspan="4" |a<n>.armed
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.test
|disarm area <n>
|no failed test on zone <n>
|arm area <n> in "stay" mode
|failed test on zone <n>
|arm area <n> in "away" mode
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.alarm
|zone <n> is not alarmed
|arm area <n> in "instantaneous" mode
|zone <n> is alarmed
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.bypass.man
|zone <n> is not manually bypassed
|reset alarms on area <n>
|zone <n> is manually bypassed
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.bypassed<br />z<n>d.bypassed
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.bypass.auto
|unbypass zone <n> (base or double)
|zone <n> is not auto bypassed
|bypass zone <n> (base or double)
|zone <n> is auto bypassed
|rowspan="2" |or
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.bypass
|deactivate the relay output on the panel
|unbypass zone <n>
|activate the relay output on the panel
|bypass zone <n>
|rowspan="2" |oc1
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.latched
|deactivate the open collector 1 on the panel
|no latched alarm on zone <n>
|activate the open collector 1 on the panel
|latched alarm on zone <n>
|rowspan="2" |oc2
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.walk
|deactivate the open collector 2 on the panel
|zone <n> no walk test
|activate the open collector 2 on the panel
|zone <n> walk tested
|rowspan="2" |o<n>
|rowspan="2" |z<n>.activity
|deactivate output <n>
|no activity required on zone <n>
|activate output <n>
|activity required on zone <n>
|rowspan="4" |o<n>
|rowspan="2" |0
|PC controlled output <n> not active
|set PC controlled output <n> off
|rowspan="2" |1
|PC controlled output <n> active
|set PC controlled output <n> on
|rowspan="4" |ox<n>
|rowspan="2" |0
|X-10 controlled output <n> not active
|set X-10 controlled output <n> off
|rowspan="2" |1
|X-10 controlled output <n> active
|set X-10 controlled output <n> on
|rowspan="2" |time
|rowspan="2" |<YY-MM-DD HH:mm>
|date and time set on the panel (e.g. 17-06-29 16:44)
|set date and time of the panel
|send the specified keypad key or key sequence to the panel (see below for codes).
Single key ''Yes'': "13"
Sequence ''1 2 3 4 Menu'': "1:2:3:4:12"
'''Keypad key codes:'''
{| class="wikitable"
! Key || Code || Key || Code || Key || Code || Key || Code
| 1 || 1 || 7 || 7 || Yes || 13 || Medical || 19
| 2 || 2 || 8 || 8 || Part || 14 || Chime || 20
| 3 || 3 || 9 || 9 || No || 15 ||  Reset || 21
| 4 || 4 || 0 || 10 || Area || 16 || Up || 22
| 5 || 5 || Omit || 11 || Fire  || 17 || Down || 23
| 6 || 6 || Menu || 12 || PA || 18 ||  ||
== User Interface ==
=== Texecom Object ===
=== UISET Actions ===
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="2"|Set to
|colspan="2"|latest security log lines (as many as specified by the 'logsize' option)
|when datapoint connection = online
|when datapoint connection = offline
|when datapoint connection = offline
|when datapoint connection = online
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
|when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
To perform any of the above operations it is necessary to enter the user code first. To enter the user code through the user interface use [[User|user buttons]] to create a virtual keypad and assign them name and param values according to this table:
=== USER Commands ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 791: Line 1,844:
|rowspan="2" |p<n>.armed
|disarm partition <n>
|arm partition <n>
|part arm partition <n>
|reset partition <n>
|rowspan="2" |o<n>
|set PC controlled output <n> off
|{0 ... 9}
|set PC controlled output <n> on
|append the specified digit to the entered user code
|delete the last entered digit
To visualize the number of entered digits use up to 6 [[Text|text objects]] (depending on the number of digits used for user codes) and set their IDs to:
|rowspan="2" |ox<n>
|set X-10 controlled output <n> off
|set X-10 controlled output <n> on
{| class="wikitable"
|pin.<n><br />(0 &le; <n> &le; 5)
|shows the character '*' when the corresponding digit has been entered, shows '_' otherwise
|send keypad key (see above for codes)
The entered code will be cleared after a short period of inactivity.
== Log Files ==
== Log Files ==

Latest revision as of 17:12, 22 February 2019

The Texecom Premier Elite control panels are advanced, multi-area security systems. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via RS-232 serial communication or via Ethernet connection.

This I/O Server has been tested with firmware version V3.02.00LS2.


RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate 19200
Data bits 8
Stop bit 2
Parity none
Flow control none

HSYCO Configuration

Add a TEXECOM I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port the device is connected to.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


ID Default Values Description
startupevents false true generate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
false start generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
logsize 20 n ≥ 0 the number of log lines to display in the UI object
pollinterval 3 n > 0 the data acquisition interval, in seconds
maxzone 168 n > 0 highest zone number among the ones used on the panel
maxpartition 16 n > 0 highest partition number among the ones used on the panel
pinlength 4 n > 0 length of the user pins


ID Value R/W Description
connection online R connection established
offline R HSYCO can't connect to the panel
keypad.text <text> R reports the text shown by the keypad LCD
fault.ats 0 R no ATS Path Fault
1 R ATS Path Fault
fault.mains 0 R Mains Power On
1 R Mains Power Off
fault.fuse.aux 0 R Auxiliary Fuse OK
1 R Auxiliary Fuse Blown
tamper.bell 0 R no bell tamper
1 R bell tamper
tamper.aux 0 R no auxiliary tamper
1 R auxiliary tamper
tamper.lid 0 R no panel lid tamper
1 R panel lid tamper
engineer 0 R no engineer working
1 R engineer working
confirm 0 R no confirm devices
1 R confirm devices
service 0 R no service required
1 R service required
fault.fuse.bell 0 R bell fuse OK
1 R bell fuse blown
fault.battery 0 R battery OK
1 R battery fault
test.battery 0 R battery test off
1 R battery test on
light 0 R no courtesy light
1 R courtesy light
open 0 R system closed
1 R system open
armed 0 R not fully armed
1 R fully armed
coms.fail 0 R coms OK
1 R coms failed
coms.success 0 R no coms successful
1 R coms successful
coms.active 0 R no coms active
1 R coms active
udl.lockout 0 R no UDL lockout
1 R UDL lockout
udl.call 0 R no UDL call active
1 R UDL call active
udl.enabled 0 R UDL not enabled
1 R UDL enabled
alarm.confirmed 0 R no confirmed alarm
1 R confirmed alarm
custom1a 0 R no custom 1 stage A
1 R custom 1 stage A
custom1b 0 R no custom 1 stage B
1 R custom 1 stage B
custom2a 0 R no custom 2 stage A
1 R custom 2 stage A
custom2b 0 R no custom 2 stage B
1 R custom 2 stage B
custom2ab 0 R no custom 2 stage A or B
1 R custom 2 stage A or B
radio.fail 0 R radio-pad OK
1 R radio-pad failed
radio.success 0 R no radio-pad successful
1 R radio-pad successful
radio.nosig 0 R radio-pad signal OK
1 R no radio-pad signal
radio.lost 0 R radio-pad OK
1 R radio-pad lost
custom3a 0 R no custom 3 stage A
1 R custom 3 stage A
custom3b 0 R no custom 3 stage B
1 R custom 3 stage B
custom3ab 0 R no custom 3 stage A or B
1 R custom 3 stage A or B
custom4a 0 R no custom 4 stage A
1 R custom 4 stage A
custom4b 0 R no custom 4 stage B
1 R custom 4 stage B
custom4ab 0 R no custom 4 stage A or B
1 R custom 4 stage A or B
com1.fault 0 R com 1 OK
1 R com 1 fault
com2.fault 0 R com 2 OK
1 R com 2 fault
com1.nosig 0 R com 1 signal OK
1 R com 1 no signal
com2.nosig 0 R com 2 signal OK
1 R com 2 no signal
coms.fault 0 R coms OK
1 R coms fault
radio.jam 0 R no radio jamming
1 R radio jamming
radio.tamper 0 R radio TX OK
1 R radio TX tamper
test.detector 0 R no detector test
1 R detector test
test.remote 0 R no ATS remote test
1 R ATS remote test
noats 0 R ATS available
1 R no ATS available
fault.cie 0 R no CIE fault
1 R CIE fault
psu.fault.fuse 0 R PSU fuse OK
1 R PSU fuse blown
psu.fault.battery 0 R PSU battery OK
1 R PSU battery fault
test.wd 0 R WD test not active
1 R WD test active
psu.fault.mains 0 R PSU mains OK
1 R PSU mains fault
com1.power 0 R com 1 power off
1 R com 1 power on
com2.power 0 R com 2 power off
1 R com 2 power on
com3.power 0 R com 3 power off
1 R com 3 power on
fault.ip 0 R IP path OK
1 R IP path fault
battery.low 0 R battery OK
1 R battery low
fault.ps 0 R PS OK
1 R PS failure
fault.charger 0 R charger OK
1 R charger fault
p<n>.alarm 0 R no alarm on partition <n>
1 R alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.guard 0 R no guard alarm on partition <n>
1 R guard alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.guard.access 0 R no guard access alarm on partition <n>
1 R guard access alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.entry 0 R no entry alarm on partition <n>
1 R entry alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.confirmed 0 R no confirmed alarm on partition <n>
1 R confirmed alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.audible 0 R no 24h audible alarm on partition <n>
1 R 24h audible alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.silent 0 R no 24h silent alarm on partition <n>
1 R 24h silent alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.gas 0 R no 24h gas alarm on partition <n>
1 R 24h gas alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.pa 0 R no PA alarm on partition <n>
1 R PA alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.pa.silent 0 R no PA silent alarm on partition <n>
1 R PA silent alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.duress 0 R no duress alarm on partition <n>
1 R duress alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.fire 0 R no fire alarm on partition <n>
1 R fire alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.medical 0 R no medical alarm on partition <n>
1 R medical alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.aux 0 R no auxiliary alarm on partition <n>
1 R auxiliary alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.tamper 0 R no tamper alarm on partition <n>
1 R tamper alarm active on partition <n>
p<n>.abort 0 R no abort on partition <n>
1 R abort on partition <n>
p<n>.ready 0 R partition <n> not ready
1 R partition <n> ready
p<n>.entry 0 R no entry
1 R entry
p<n>.entry.2 0 R no second entry
1 R second entry
p<n>.exit 0 R no exit
1 R exit
p<n>.entryexit 0 R no entry/exit
1 R entry/exit
p<n>.armed 0 R partition <n> not armed
W disarm partition <n>
1 R partition <n> armed
W arm partition <n>
p<n>.armed.full 0 R partition <n> not full armed
1 R partition <n> full armed
p<n>.armed.part 0 R partition <n> not part armed
1 R partition <n> part armed
W part arm partition <n>
p<n>.arming.part 0 R partition <n> not part arming
1 R partition <n> part arming
p<n>.armable.force 0 R partition <n> not force armable
1 R partition <n> force armable
p<n>.armed.force 0 R partition <n> not force armed
1 R partition <n> force armed
p<n>.armed.fail 0 R partition <n> arm ok
1 R partition <n> arm failed
p<n>.bell.sab 0 R no bell SAB on partition <n>
1 R bell SAB on partition <n>
p<n>.bell.scb 0 R no bell SCB on partition <n>
1 R bell SCB on partition <n>
p<n>.strobe 0 R strobe off on partition <n>
1 R strobe on on partition <n>
p<n>.detector.latch 0 R no detector latch on partition <n>
1 R detector latch on partition <n>
p<n>.detector.reset 0 R no detector reset on partition <n>
1 R detector reset on partition <n>
p<n>.test.walk 0 R no walk test on partition <n>
1 R walk test on partition <n>
p<n>.bypass 0 R no bypassed zone in partition <n>
1 R bypassed zones in partition <n>
p<n>.bypass24 0 R no 24h bypassed zone in partition <n>
1 R 24h bypassed zones in partition <n>
p<n>.reset 0 R no reset required on partition <n>
1 R reset required on partition <n>
W reset partition <n>
p<n>.strike 0 R no door strike on partition <n>
1 R door strike on partition <n>
p<n>.chime.mimic 0 R no chime mimic on partition <n>
1 R chime mimic on partition <n>
p<n>.chime.enabled 0 R chime not enabled on partition <n>
1 R chime enabled on partition <n>
p<n>.doubleknowck 0 R double knock not active on partition <n>
1 R double knock active on partition <n>
p<n>.beampair 0 R no beam pair on partition <n>
1 R beam pair on partition <n>
p<n>.test.zone 0 R no zone on test in partition <n>
1 R zone on test in partition <n>
p<n>.test.fail 0 R test not failed on partition <n>
1 R test failed on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.internal 0 R no internal alarm on partition <n>
1 R internal alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.arming.auto 0 R no auto arming on partition <n>
1 R auto arming on partition <n>
p<n>.arming.time 0 R no time arming on partition <n>
1 R time arming on partition <n>
p<n>.code.1 0 R first code not entered on partition <n>
1 R first code entered on partition <n>
p<n>.code.2 0 R second code not entered on partition <n>
1 R second code entered on partition <n>
p<n>.secured 0 R area not secured on partition <n>
1 R area secured on partition <n>
p<n>.arm.part.1 0 R no part arm 1 on partition <n>
1 R part arm 1 on partition <n>
p<n>.arm.part.2 0 R no part arm 2 on partition <n>
1 R part arm 2 on partition <n>
p<n>.arm.part.3 0 R no part arm 3 on partition <n>
1 R part arm 3 on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.custom 0 R no custom alarm on partition <n>
1 R custom alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.warning.zone 0 R no zone warning on partition <n>
1 R zone warning on partition <n>
p<n>.warning.arm 0 R no arm fail warning on partition <n>
1 R arm fail warning on partition <n>
p<n>.forced 0 R no forced entry on partition <n>
1 R forced entry on partition <n>
p<n>.locked 0 R no zones locked out on partition <n>
1 R zones locked out on partition <n>
p<n>.armed.all 0 R not all armed on partition <n>
1 R all armed on partition <n>
p<n>.arm.time.disabled 0 R time arm not disabled on partition <n>
1 R time arm disabled on partition <n>
p<n>.armedalarm 0 R not armed/alarm on partition <n>
1 R armed/alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.intruder 0 R no intruder alarm on partition <n>
1 R intruder alarm on partition <n>
p<n>.speaker.mimic 0 R no speaker mimic on partition <n>
1 R speaker mimic on partition <n>
p<n>.armedexit 0 R no full armed/exit on partition <n>
1 R full armed/exit on partition <n>
p<n>.detector.fault 0 R no detector fault on partition <n>
1 R detector fault on partition <n>
p<n>.detector.masked 0 R no detector masked on partition <n>
1 R detector masked on partition <n>
p<n>.fault 0 R no fault on partition <n>
1 R fault on partition <n>
p<n>.led 0 R no LED control on partition <n>
1 R LED control on partition <n>
p<n>.armed.full.entry 0 R no full armed entry on partition <n>
1 R full armed entry on partition <n>
p<n>.fire 0 R no fire sounder on partition <n>
1 R fire sounder on partition <n>
p<n>.pa.confirmed 0 R no PA confirmed on partition <n>
1 R PA confirmed on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.confirmed2 0 R no confirmed alarm on partition <n>
1 R confirmed alarm on partition <n>
z<n>.open 0 R zone <n> is closed
1 R zone <n> is open
z<n>.tamper 0 R zone <n> is not tampered
1 R zone <n> is tampered
z<n>.short 0 R zone <n> is not shorted
1 R zone <n> is shorted
z<n>.fault 0 R zone <n> is not faulty
1 R zone <n> is faulty
z<n>.test 0 R no failed test on zone <n>
1 R failed test on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm 0 R zone <n> is not alarmed
1 R zone <n> is alarmed
z<n>.bypass.man 0 R zone <n> is not manually bypassed
1 R zone <n> is manually bypassed
z<n>.bypass.auto 0 R zone <n> is not auto bypassed
1 R zone <n> is auto bypassed
z<n>.bypass 0 W unbypass zone <n>
1 W bypass zone <n>
z<n>.latched 0 R no latched alarm on zone <n>
1 R latched alarm on zone <n>
z<n>.walk 0 R zone <n> no walk test
1 R zone <n> walk tested
z<n>.activity 0 R no activity required on zone <n>
1 R activity required on zone <n>
o<n> 0 R PC controlled output <n> not active
W set PC controlled output <n> off
1 R PC controlled output <n> active
W set PC controlled output <n> on
ox<n> 0 R X-10 controlled output <n> not active
W set X-10 controlled output <n> off
1 R X-10 controlled output <n> active
W set X-10 controlled output <n> on
time <YY-MM-DD HH:mm> R date and time set on the panel (e.g. 17-06-29 16:44)
W set date and time of the panel
key <codes> W send the specified keypad key or key sequence to the panel (see below for codes).


Single key Yes: "13"

Sequence 1 2 3 4 Menu: "1:2:3:4:12"

Keypad key codes:

Key Code Key Code Key Code Key Code
1 1 7 7 Yes 13 Medical 19
2 2 8 8 Part 14 Chime 20
3 3 9 9 No 15 Reset 21
4 4 0 10 Area 16 Up 22
5 5 Omit 11 Fire 17 Down 23
6 6 Menu 12 PA 18

User Interface

Texecom Object

This object replicates the physical keypad of the Texecom panel.

Texecom UI Object.png

The Texecom object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one TEXECOM I/O Server is defined.


  • id - the id assigned to the TEXECOM I/O Server in hsyco.ini. Supports Redirect variables
  • pos - the object’s position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format.


(texecom <server id>; <position>)


(texecom tex; x10y20)

UISET Actions

ID Attribute Set to
log value latest security log lines (as many as specified by the 'logsize' option)
connection.online visible true when datapoint connection = online
false when datapoint connection = offline
connection.offline visible true when datapoint connection = offline
false when datapoint connection = online
<datapoint_id>.1 visible true when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
false when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
<datapoint_id>.0 visible true when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
false when datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'

USER Commands

Name Param Action
p<n>.armed 0 disarm partition <n>
1 arm partition <n>
p<n>.armed.part 1 part arm partition <n>
p<n>.reset 1 reset partition <n>
o<n> 0 set PC controlled output <n> off
1 set PC controlled output <n> on
ox<n> 0 set X-10 controlled output <n> off
1 set X-10 controlled output <n> on
key <code> send keypad key (see above for codes)

Log Files

A permanent detailed record of all the Hesa log messages is saved in a file called security.log in the logs/YYYY directory for the current year. This file is never overwritten or deleted by HSYCO.

Other information related to the TEXECOM I/O Server are saved in the daily message.log files.

Release Notes


  • initial release

Texecom is a registered trademark of Texecom Ltd.