
Revision as of 15:14, 19 December 2013 by Hsyco (talk | contribs)
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Controls a light or automation device.

When used to control a VSHUT or HSHUT automation interlocked device, pressing this button will cycle as follows: UNKNOWN -> DOWN -> STOP -> UP -> STOP -> DOWN


  • address: device data point name
  • pos: the position of the button. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format
  • label: the text label on the button. Can contain HTML tags.


(button <address>; <pos>; <label>)

UI Attributes

Name Values Description
pos x0y0 Position
visible true, false Is the object visible?
true/slow, fast, false|Blinks the object. There are two possible speeds
0-1|Object opacity
true|Focus field
full url (http://...), path relative to /img/|When it applies, changes the image source

draw|Draw instructions, ex: line(0,100,20,50,blue);line(50,50,70,70,'255,10,150');|When it applies, draws the image

string|When it applies, changes the label