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This driver allows you to communicate with Sigfox Cloud in order to retrieve messages and status updates collected from devices.

HSYCO Configuration

Add the SIGFOX I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • User: optional API username
  • Password: optional API password

Devices list file

At the first run of SIGFOX driver a file named sigfox-devices_'<'I/O_Server_name'>'.ini will be created . This file can contain a series of line, each line represents informations of a single device and can have the following format:




Clientid must be present in each line while username and password are optional; if username and password are not present there will be two cases:

  • if default username and password are specified in "hsyco.ini" they will be used by the authentication mechanism
  • if default username and password are not specified in "hsyco.ini" the authentication mechanism is disabled

Client identifiers are considered as case insensitive when they are registered to the MQTTBROKER, so there can't be two identifiers with the same sequence of characters in upper/lower case, e.g. "MQTT_Client" and "mqtt_client" are considered the same so they cannot be registered both on the MQTTBROKER.