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ESSER 8xxx/IQ8/FlexES are multi-area fire panels. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished using IBOX Modbus Server - ESSER gateway, a TCP/IP modbus interface. This I/O server was developed following the MODBUS documentation ES-MN-18002-01-2, 11-2013.

IO Server Esser Panel.jpeg


ESSER panels can be connected via ethernet. A valid IP address must be assigned to the IBOX Modbus Server - ESSER gateway. Please refer to the manual for detailed instruction about IBOX configuration.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a ESSER I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Address: IP address of the ESSER IBOX
  • Port: TCP/IP port for MODBUS communication (default 502)

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


ID Default Values Description
gui true true enable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
false disable UI support
startupevents false true generate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
false start generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
unitid 1 > 0 MODBUS unit ID of the ESSER panel
pollingtime 2000 n >= 1000 the data polling interval, in milliseconds.
csvseparator semicolon comma use "," as separator for the I/O Server .csv configuration file
semicolon use ";" as separator for the I/O Server .csv configuration file

Esser CSV file

Note It is mandatory to import a CSV file for each Esser I/O Server declared. These CSV files must be saved in the "esser" folder.

The name syntax of each file must be the following: "<id of I/O server>.csv" For example, if the id of the I/O Server is "esser1", the csv file must be named "esser1.csv"

IO Server Esser Csv.png

This CSV file is an export of the IBOX Configuration Modbus Table. This file is required to provide to the I/O Server the list of all the modbus addresses that must be read.

This is an example of the file content:

#;Panel;Zona/Ctrl/Loop;Detector;EDP type;Signal;AddMB;I/O;Value
1;1;;;1-P;Entrance 0-Power Supply Fault;1;0-In;0
2;1;121;;2-L;Loop 1 Zone A;11;2-I/O;0
3;1;101;;4-Z;Zone A First Floor;12;2-I/O;0
4;1;100;1;5-D;Detector Laundry 1.0.079;50;2-I/O;0

All the rows that are not starting with a number will be ignored. The indexes of the first column of each row must be numeric and consecutive, for example if the first index is 11 then the next must be 12 and so on until the last index is reached.


ID Value R/W Description
connection online R connection established
offline R HSYCO can't connect to the panel
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.active 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is active
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not active
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.addr <addr> R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> has the corresponding address <addr> in the IBOX configuration table
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.alarm 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is in alarm status
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not in alarm status
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.desc <desc> R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> description, has written in the csv file
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.disconnect 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is disconnected
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not disconnected
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.prealarm 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is in prealarm status
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not in prealarm status
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.tal 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is in tal status
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not in tal status
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.test 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is in test status
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not in test status
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k>.trouble 1 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is in trouble status
0 R detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n> is not in trouble status
module.p<n>.<k>.active 1 R module <k> in panel <n> is active
0 R module <k> in panel <n> is not active
module.p<n>.<k>.addr <addr> R module <k> in panel <n> has the corresponding address <addr> in the IBOX configuration table
module.p<n>.<k>.desc <desc> R module <k> in panel <n> description, has written in the csv file
module.p<n>.<k>.disconnect 1 R module <k> in panel <n> is disconnected
0 R module <k> in panel <n> is not disconnected
module.p<n>.<k>.test 1 R module <k> in panel <n> is in test status
0 R module <k> in panel <n> is not in test status
module.p<n>.<k>.trouble 1 R module <k> in panel <n> is in trouble status
0 R module <k> in panel <n> is not in trouble status
zone.p<n>.<j>.active 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is active
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not active
zone.p<n>.<j>.addr <addr> R zone <j> in panel <n> has the corresponding address <addr> in the IBOX configuration table
zone.p<n>.<j>.alarm 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is in alarm status
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not in alarm status
zone.p<n>.<j>.desc <desc> R zone <j> in panel <n> description, has written in the csv file
zone.p<n>.<j>.disconnect 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is disconnected
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not disconnected
zone.p<n>.<j>.prealarm 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is in prealarm status
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not in prealarm status
zone.p<n>.<j>.tal 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is in tal status
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not in tal status
zone.p<n>.<j>.test 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is in test status
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not in test status
zone.p<n>.<j>.trouble 1 R zone <j> in panel <n> is in trouble status
0 R zone <j> in panel <n> is not in trouble status
loop.p<n>.<j>.addr <addr> R loop <j> in panel <n> has the corresponding address <addr> in the IBOX configuration table
loop.p<n>.<j>.alarm 1 R loop <j> in panel <n> is in alarm status
0 R loop <j> in panel <n> is not in alarm status
loop.p<n>.<j>.desc <desc> R loop <j> in panel <n> description, has written in the csv file
loop.p<n>.<j>.disconnect 1 R loop <j> in panel <n> is disconnected
0 R loop <j> in panel <n> is not disconnected
loop.p<n>.<j>.trouble 1 R loop <j> in panel <n> is in trouble status
0 R loop <j> in panel <n> is not in trouble status
detector.p<n>.z<j>.d<k> 0 W enable detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n>
1 W disable detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n>
2 W test on detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n>
3 W test off detector <k> of zone <j> in panel <n>