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DUELUX is a lighting system based on the DALI-2 ndustry-standardized protocol for lighting control. HSYCO integrates this system and communicates with it through the DLCP gateway module via a TCP/IP connection.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an DUELUX I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: host name or IP address of the DLCP gateway
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port of the DLCP gateway (defaults to 80 if not set)

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


ID Default Values Description
startupevents false true generate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
false start generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
groupdiscovery false true auto-detects DALI groups as configured in the DLCP, and automatically creates the list of all detected devices and individual data points in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
false auto-detect for input devices is disabled
outputdiscovery true true auto-detects DALI output devices as configured in the DLCP, and automatically creates the list of all detected devices and individual data points in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
false auto-detect for output devices is disabled
areasconfiguration false true polls the DLCP areas/scenarios set point and delay configuration settings
false areas configuration polling disabled
detectevents false true generate forced events when a device is detected at start-up
false do not generate events when a device is detected at start-up

The Device Configuration Database

The systemtopo.txt file contains the list of all groups and individual outputs that could be directly associated to graphic objects in the Web-based user interface. This file can be filled manually or automatically by HSYCO at start-up. To enable automatic discovery, set the 'groupdiscovery' and/or 'outputdiscovery' option to true.

This is an example of an automatically generated systemtopo.txt file:

dlcp.g1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G1
dlcp.g10 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G10
dlcp.g11 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G11
dlcp.g12 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G12
dlcp.g13 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G13
dlcp.g14 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G14
dlcp.g15 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G15
dlcp.g16 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G16
dlcp.g2 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G2
dlcp.g3 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G3
dlcp.g4 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G4
dlcp.g5 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G5
dlcp.g6 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G6
dlcp.g7 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G7
dlcp.g8 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G8
dlcp.g9 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; G9
dlcp.o1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; O1
dlcp.o2 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; O2
dlcp.o3 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; O3
dlcp.o4 : LIGHT ; DIMMER ; O4

You should then manually add comments and other optional parameters.


ID Value R/W Description
connection online R connection established
offline R HSYCO can't connect to the DLCP
clock yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss R the DLCP clock current time
read W read the DLCP clock, and the delta with HSYCO’s time
sync W set the DLCP clock to HSYCO’s current time
clock.delta integer number R the delta time in seconds between the DLCP and HSYCO clocks. A positive number means that the DLCP clock is ahead of HSYCO
a<n>.s<m>.auto 0 R area <n> scenario <m> automatic control is off
1 R area <n> scenario <m> automatic control is on
ai<n>.<m> 0...255 R analog value for input <m> of device <n>
c<n> 0 R binary command <n> off
W set command <n> off (setting value to "off" is equivalent to "0")
1 R binary command <n> on
W set command <n> on (setting value to "on" is equivalent to "1")
di<n>.<m> 0 R digital input <m> of device address <n> is off
1 R digital input <m> of device address <n> is on
g<n> on W set the light level of the group to the last level set before the off command
off R group is off
W switch group off
1...100% R current light level
W set the light level of the group to the specified value (the % leading character is optional. Value range is from 0 to 100)
X/Y W set the light level of the group to the specified fraction (e.g. a value of 1/5 corresponds to 20%)
o<n> on W set the light level of a specific output address to the last level set before the off command
off R group is off
W switch output off
1...100% R current light level
W set the light level of the output to the specified value (the % leading character is optional. Value range is from 0 to 100)
X/Y W set the light level of the output to the specified fraction (e.g. a value of 1/5 corresponds to 20%)
o<n>.time 0...2^32 - 1 R the amount of time the output has been turned on, in seconds (refreshed every 60 seconds)

User Interface

All the devices that have been defined in the systemtopo.txt database are automatically listed in the Web Editor. Adding a slider to control a dimmer requires just a few clicks and no additional EVENTS logic.

IO Servers Tridonic Project Editor.png

Release Notes


  • initial release

DUELUX is a registered trademark of DUEMMEGI SRL. DALI, the DALI Logo, DALI-2 and the DALI-2 Logo are trademarks in various countries in the exclusive use of the Digital Illumination Interface Alliance.