This tutorial describes how to create a dummy I/O server. The DUMMY I/O Server is a virtual server that doesn’t actually connect to any external system, but simulates basic lighting and automation devices.
To access the Manager enter the following URL in your Web Browser:
If you need more information about the first login to Hsyco please read first this: Tutorial1
Adding a dummy I/O server
Click on the "Settings" icon and then on the "I/O Servers" icon.
Select "DUMMY" from the drop down menu.
Assign the ID "dummy" to this new I/O server.
Leaving empty the "Options" attributes list means creating 10 virtual lights, dimmers, automations.
Dummy I/O server and Project Editor
Open the "Project Editor".
Add a "button" object.
Select "dummy.autom.1" from the "Address" drop down menu.
Assign a label to the new "button" object
Now add another "button" linked to datapoint "dummy.light.1"
Add a "dimmer" object.
Select "dummy.autom.1" from the "Address" dropdown menu.
Save the project and open a new tab in your browser with the following URL: