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A project defines a custom user interface, that allows the user to interact with the system. Each project has one or more pages that contain UI Objects.

On the index.hsm, the project's parameters are defined as directives (#<directive>)



Defines the graphical appearance of the project.


  • skin name: the name of the skin. The standard skin provided with HSYCO is "blue"


(#skin <skin name>)


Defines the language used for all standard text messages of the Web interface.


  • language id: the language used for the project:
    • cn: Chinese
    • en: English
    • fr: French
    • de: German
    • dk: Danish
    • it: Italian
    • pl: Polish
    • sl: Slovenian


(#language <language id>)


Specifies the page header, the text that normally appears in bookmarks and as the title of the browser's window.


  • title: the project's title


The header must be declared after all the directives and before the pages.

(header <title>)


Sets the project size as width and height. If the orientation mode is enabled, a second set of width and height is required. The first set refers to landscape mode, the second to portrait mode.


  • width: the project's width in pixels
  • height: the project's height in pixels


(#size <width>x<height>)

Or to enable orientation mode:

(#size <width (landscape)>x<height (landscape)>x; <width (portrait)>x<height (portrait)>x)

Device Image

Enables or disables the camera or image pop-ups associated to devices in the project, as configured in the systemtopo.txt file.


If omitted, the default value is "enabled".

(#deviceimage disable)


The kiosk mode removes the menu bar and borders, for digital signage or kiosks applications where you want to have a full-screen display of your pages. "lock" also disables the navigation functions.


  • mode: disabled, enabled or locked


If omitted, the default value is "disabled". "enabled" mode:

(#kiosk nolock)

"locked" mode:

(#kiosk lock)


Sets a scaling factor to resize the whole page area from the original size.


  • factor: scale factor, as a decimal positive number. Numbers greater than 1.0 create a magnification effect, proportionally increasing the size of the page and its content; numbers smaller than 1.0 make the page and its content smaller than the original


(#scale <factor>)


Disables any user command for this project. Users will be able to navigate between pages and see the current status, but all commands will be locked.


If omitted, the project is unlocked.

(#locked <true>)


Defines the project's background for all pages.


  • image: the image file name


It must be defined after the header object, before the pages.

(background!<project's name>.background <image>)
Image files are searched inside the www/<project's name>/img directory first, then inside the www/img directory.
If the filename is set with a UISet, it's possible to load an image from the web by entering the URL, or a path relative to www/<skin's name>/pic by specifying /pic/ followed by the filename

Camera List

Defines the display name of each camera. It is required when you are displaying cameras in the index.hsm file. If you need to prevent access to one or more cameras for a specific index.hsm page, you can set that camera with an empty name, “”, or the reserved words “null” or “empty”. These cameras will be skipped by the camera rolling function, or when manually going from one camera to the next.


  • list: the comma separated list of all cameras, in the same order in which the cameras' ids appear in the Cameras parameter in hsyco.ini. The names must be enclosed in double quotes.


(#cameralist <list>)


(#cameralist "garden","openspace")

Camera Overlay

Defines custom overlay image masks for each camera. It is optional, and if not specified HSYCO will use the standard overlays.


  • list: the list of the type of overlay for each camera defined in hsyco.ini, the elements are separated by commas:
    • "default": default overlay for the PTZ cameras
    • "": default overlay for the PTZ cameras
    • "null": no overlay
    • "filename.png": customized file, in the www/<project's name>/img or www/img directory.


(#cameraoverlay <overlay list>)


(#cameraoverlay "","null","myoverlay.png")

Camera Grid Headers

Defines the display name of each camera grid. It is required when you are including camera grids in the project.


  • list: the list of the cameras grids’ names, listed in order starting from 1, as they appear in the parameters in hsyco.ini. The names must be enclosed in double quotes and separated by commas.


(#cameragridlist <list>)


(#cameragridlist "Garden","Living Room")


Defines style attributes that modify the appearance of the current skin. It is used to customize a skin, changing for example the color of the background. For a complete description of possible values, see Project Style.


  • style: the semicolon separated list of attributes and values.


(#style <style>)


(#style body-background-color=red; pages-background-color=green; header-background-color=blue)


Defines a set of UISets that apply to the specified UI Objects. Sets are specified as <object's id>.<attribute name>=<value>. A UISet without the object's id is applied directly to the project object (E.g. autoreload=false is the same as <project's name>.autoreload=false). To apply a UISet to all objects of a type, specify it as (<object's type>).<attribute name>=<value> (e.g. "(user).fontweight=bold").


  • uiset list: list of attributes and values.


(#uiset <uiset list>)


(#uiset autoreload=false; myinput.value=hello)


The accessible mode, which can be enabled through a UISet (see the accessibility attribute below), adds enhancements for VoiceOver when the browser supports it. These allow VoiceOver to recognize buttons and their states. A custom interface optimized for VoiceOver can include the following UI objects:

HSYCO App Support

Favorite Pages

Selected pages can be passed to the HSYCO App as favorite pages. These pages will appear on the HSYCO App interface for quick access, when the current interface is displayed. Favorite pages are specified through the "app_favpages" UISet, with the following JSON format:

{"label":"<page label>", "page":"<page id>"}, {"label":"...


{"label":"Home", "page":"menu"}, {"label":"Cam", "page":"cameras"}

Apple Watch Page

Through the HSYCO app it's possible to configure a page for the Apple Watch. This can be done visually with the Project Editor or through the "app_watch" UISet, which is useful for interfaces built dinamically.

An "app_watch" UISet is structured as follows:

{type:<type>, label:<label>,  action:<action>}, {type: ...} ...

Each comma separated { ... } block defines a UI object with its attributes. Each object has a type attribute (ex. label, button, slider...) and various additional attributes, depending on its type.

For more information read the Apple Watch Interface documentation.

UI Attributes

Project attributes

Name Value Description
accessibility true Enabled accessible mode
false Disable accessible mode
app_favpages <configuration string> Configure the favorite pages, displayed as links on the HSYCO App interface
app_watch <configuration string> Configure the apple watch page associated to this project, accessible through the HSYCO App
autoreload true Default, the browser will automatically reload the page when the project changes
false The browser won't automatically reload the page when the project changes
blink false Disable all blinking animations in the project
gestures false Disable all gestures for the project
kiosk nolock Kiosk mode, not locked
lock Kiosk mode, locked (user navigation is disabled)
strict Kiosk mode, total height excludes the height of the header/footer, so the kiosk layout can stay the same as a non-kiosk
false Kiosk mode disabled
lock <page name> Show the specified page (or modal pop-up) and disable user navigation
"" (empty string) Unlock the interface, default
page <page name> Show a page
logout forces a log out of the current session and shows the PIN pop-up
pageback <page name> If the current page was set with a "page" attribute and its name is the same as <page name>, navigate to the previous page
screensaver <seconds> Enters screensaver mode after <seconds> time of inactivity (see the Screensaver page for more details)
false disables screensaver mode (0 has the same effect)
screensaverimage <full url (http://...)> Set the image source
<path relative to the project's img/ path>
<empty string> No screensaver image (default value)
screensaverimagesize fit Set the screensaver image size so that it is fully contained in the interface (default value)
crop Set the screensaver image size so that it covers the interface