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Line 112: Line 112:
|list of ongoing events in the calendar with name <cal_name>. Events names are separated by ';'
|list of ongoing events in the calendar with name <cal_name>. Events names are separated by ';'
|list of upcoming events in the calendar with name <cal_name>, with an advance specified by the "pre" option. Events names are separated by ';'. If the "pre" option is omitted these datapoints are not created
== Release Notes ==
== Release Notes ==
=== 3.6.0 ===
*the Google Calendar I/O Server is now "free". Using it doesn't decrease the number of available I/O servers
=== 3.5.0 ===
=== 3.5.0 ===

Latest revision as of 10:11, 11 January 2017

This driver allows for the use of Google Calendar as a scheduler.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a GOOGLECAL I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


ID Default Values Description
pollinterval 10 n > 0 the data acquisition interval, in seconds
calendars <id_list> list of calendars IDs separated by ';' (see Setup for details). Omit this option to use the primary calendar
code <code> authorization code (see Setup for details)
pre n > 0 if this option is added, the datapoints "<cal_name>.pre" are generated to show the upcoming events with an advance of n minutes


Enable the Google Calendar API

  • Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically enable the API. Click the Go to credentials button to continue.
  • At the top of the page, select the OAuth consent screen tab. Select an Email address, enter a Product name if not already set, and click the Save button.
  • Back on the Credentials tab, click the Add credentials button and select OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  • Select the application type Other and click the Create button.
  • Click OK to dismiss the resulting dialog.
  • Click the Download JSON button to the right of the client ID.
  • Move the downloaded file to HSYCO server, place it into a folder called "google-calendar" in the root and rename it "client_secret.json".

The "client_secret.json" can be reused for multiple I/O server instances, even on different HSYCO servers.

Create the calendar

  • Go to Google Calendar and create a Google account or use your personal one to login.
  • If you are going to use the primary calendar for this account you are done, go to the next section. If, on the other hand, you want to create a separate calendar for HSYCO (or more that one), continue here.
  • From the left column, click on the small option menu button on the right of My Calendars; select Create new calendar.
  • Enter a name, set the other settings as desired and click on Create calendar.
  • Find the created calendar from the list under My Calendars, select the option menu button on its right and select Calendar settings.
  • Go to the section Calendar Address and copy the displayed Calendar ID.
  • Go to the settings of the I/O Server and set the value of the "calendars" option to the copied calendar ID. If you want to use more that one calendar, repeat the above procedure to create another one and add its ID to the "calendars" option using ';' to separate the IDs.

Authorize access

The first time the driver is started it requires access permission to the calendar information of the selected Google account. This procedure is necessary for each I/O Server instance created.

Shortly after the driver is started for the first time, the value of the datapoint "auth" will be set to a long URL string. Copy that URL and paste it into a browser. Login with the selected Google account and click on Accept.

The next page will show a code. Go to the settings of the I/O Server and set the value of the "code" option to this code; save and wait for the server to restart.

Scheduling events

To trigger an event on HSYCO during a specific time just create an event in the calendar for the selected time period and set its title to a string of your choice.

For instance, let's say the calendar is called "hsycocal" and the title of the created event is "go". During the specified time period the driver will set its datapoint "hsycocal" to the value "go".

When no event is scheduled for the current moment, the value of the datapoint will be set to an empty string; if there are overlapping events, the value will list all the titles separated by ';'.


ID Value R/W Description
connection online R connection established
offline R HSYCO can't connect to the service
<cal_name> <events_list> R list of ongoing events in the calendar with name <cal_name>. Events names are separated by ';'
<cal_name>.pre <events_list> R list of upcoming events in the calendar with name <cal_name>, with an advance specified by the "pre" option. Events names are separated by ';'. If the "pre" option is omitted these datapoints are not created

Release Notes


  • the Google Calendar I/O Server is now "free". Using it doesn't decrease the number of available I/O servers


  • initial release

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