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Note  For a description and a complete list of UI Objects, see UI Objects.

Displays a video. According to the HTML5 standard, the supported video formats are mp4, webm, and ogv, but actual support depends on the Web browser being used to access the pages. It allows dynamic control of position, visibility, play/pause and mode.


  • id: the object's ID, used by UISets
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format
  • size:the video's width and height
  • mode: selects the playback mode, see the mode attribute below


(video!id <src>; <pos>; <width>; <height>; <mode>)


(video!myvideo video; r5c2; 100; 100; stop)

UI Attributes

Common attributes

Name Value Description
pos x<x>y<y> Position specified as x/y coordinates. E.g. x-5y10
r<r>c<c> Position specified as row/column. E.g. r1c2
visible true Default. Show the object
false Hide the object
blink true | slow Blink the object at a slow speed
fast Blink the object at a fast speed
false Stop the blinking
opacity 0.0 ... 1.0 Object opacity from 0 (not visible) to 1 (fully visible)
rotation 0 ... 360 Object rotation in degrees. Images are rotated around the center point, all other objects are rotated around the top left corner

Video attributes

Name Value Description
mode stop Default value. The video is paused when the page is shown
auto The video is automatically played when the page is shown
loop The video is cyclically played when the page is shown
play true Play the video
pause true Pause the video