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HSYCO integrates the 8Access system by Wolf Safety through USB or Ethernet connection.


If using the W-LAN Ethernet module, it must be configured using the Tibbo DS Manager tool.
You need to set its static IP address, port (default 1001) and serial communication parameters.
For the serial parameter, go to Settings > Channel1 tab and set the parameters as shown in the table below.

If using the W-USB module, just configure HSYCO to use the following serial parameters:

Baud rate 115200
Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity none
Flow control none

HSYCO Configuration

Add a WOLF8ACCESS I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

If using USB connection (W-USB module) crate a serial Comm port, otherwise, if using the Ethernet adapter (W-LAN module), crate a server Comm port


  • Password: system password

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


Peripherals' numbers (p<n>) range from 0 to 7.

ID Value R/W Description
connection online R connection established
offline R HSYCO can't connect to the device
p<n>.key <pos> R peripheral <n> read the key saved in memory position <pos>
p<n>.open 1 R peripheral <n>'s door is open
W open peripheral <n>'s relay
0 R peripheral <n>'s door is closed
p<n>.blocked 1 R peripheral <n> is blocked (all non-manager keys disabled)
W block peripheral <n> (disable all non-manager keys)
0 R peripheral <n> is un-blocked (all non-manager keys restored)
W un-block peripheral <n> (restore all non-manager keys)
p<n>.k<m>.blocked 1 R key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n> is disabled
W disable key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n>
0 R key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n> is enabled
W enable key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n>
p<n>.k<m>.sn <val> R the serial number of the key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n> is <val>. Updated only at startup and after a call to p<n>.mem = read
p<n>.k<m>.manager 1 R the key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n> is a manager key. Updated only at startup and after a call to p<n>.mem = read
0 R the key in memory position <m> of peripheral <n> is a regular key. Updated only at startup and after a call to p<n>.mem = read
p<n>.mem add W instruct peripheral <n> to add to memory the next read key
read W request to peripheral <n> the list of saved keys (see p<n>.k<m>.sn and p<n>.k<m>.manager datapoints)
clear W clear peripheral <n>'s memory
refresh W refresh peripheral <n>'s memory erasing all disabled keys
p<n>.mem.ok <pos> R the read key has been correctly saved in memory position <pos>
p<n>.mem.err <pos> R the read key was already saved in memory position <pos>
p<n>.mem.full <val> R the memory of peripheral <n> is full and it contains <val> keys
p<n>.mem.free <val> R peripheral <n> has <val> key slots available in its memory. Updated only after a "read" request
read W request the reading of available memory on peripheral <n>
p<n>.mem.clear 1 R the memory of peripheral <n> has been cleared
0 R error while clearing the memory of peripheral <n>
p<n>.mem.refresh 1 R the memory of peripheral <n> has been refreshed
0 R error while refreshing the memory of peripheral <n>
p<n>.alarm.forced 1 R door forced alarm
p<n>.alarm.comm 1 R communication error with peripheral <n>
0 R communication with peripheral <n> restored
p<n>.copy <n1>:<from>:<to> W copy to peripheral <n>'s memory all the keys in the specified range (<from> - <to>) of peripheral <n1>'s memory. (e.g. p1.copy = 0:10:20)
p<n>.reltime <val> R the relay time of peripheral <n> is set to <val>, in sec/10
W set the relay time of peripheral <n> to <val>, in sec/10 (max 65535 = 109 min)
M R peripheral <n>'s relay is set as monostable
time <val> R time and date set on the module, value format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". Updated only after a "read" request
W set the module's time and date, value format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
read W request the module's time and date

Release Notes


  • initial release

WOLF SAFETY is a registered trade mark of ELP s.n.c.