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Note  For a description and a complete list of UI Objects, see UI Objects.

Input field that allows the user to input a text. Can be used with a submit button.

Requires an ID.

For a tutorial on using this object, see Working with Forms

UI Object input.png


  • id: the object's ID, used by UISets
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format
  • css: optional. Defines the CSS style for the input field
  • type: optional. Defines the input type, see inputtype UI attribute


(input!id <position>; [<css>]; [<type>])


(input!myinput r1c1; color:blue; password)

For a scrollable multiline input:

(input!myinput r1c1; overflow:scroll; multiline)

UI Attributes

Common attributes

Name Value Description
pos x<x>y<y> Position specified as x/y coordinates. E.g. x-5y10
visible true Default. Show the object
false Hide the object
blink true | slow Blink the object at a slow speed
fast Blink the object at a fast speed
false Stop the blinking
opacity 0.0 ... 1.0 Object opacity from 0 (not visible) to 1 (fully visible)
rotation 0 ... 360 Object rotation in degrees. Images are rotated around the center point, all other objects are rotated around the top left corner

Field attributes

Name Value Description
enabled true Field is enabled
false Field is disabled
autosend true Automatically sends the value on changes. It's the default behaviour when there are no submit objects on the page or in a parent container (if the field is inside a container).
false Won't send the value on changes. It's the default behaviour when there's a submit object on the page or in a parent container.
focus true Focus the field. Only a single object should have this attribute at "true".
false Reset focus
rollback true Restores the previously saved value.
rollbackenabled true Automatically restores the previous value on an error (if the value isn't valid or the remote request resolved in an error).
false Won't restore the value on errors.
error true Manually shows an error feedback on the field (won't modify the current field value).
false Hides the error visualization.

Input attributes

Name Value Description
inputtype input Default behaviour
multiline for input fields with more than a line. Use the height attribute on the css parameter to set the size
password hides typed characters
value <string> Input value
maxlength <number> Specify the maximum length that can be typed
eraseicon true Show an erase icon that can be clicked to quickly erase the input's content
false Default: no erase icon
readonly true Value not editable
false Default:editable
style <CSS style> Set the field's CSS style
helptext <string> Text to show when the field is empty
changedelay <number> Sets the delay in milliseconds by which changes are detected. If the field is working in autosend mode, this value determines the delay between the last button press and the value being sent to the server
off If the field is working in autosend mode, values aren't sent on a delay, but only when the field loses the focus (also when the tab or enter keys are pressed)
validatekey <regular expression> A regular expression to be validated on a keypress. E.g. "[a-z]" will allow only lowercase letters.

Won't work on Android devices.

validatevalue <regular expression> A regular expression to be validated before the value is sent to the server. If the expression doesn't match the value, the previous value will be restored and the input will flash in red. E.g. "^([1-9][0-9]?|100|0)$" will allow only numbers from 0 to 100, without leading 0s.